Safety & Wellness Suite

To have comprehensive "People Data" requires tracking the incidents happening within the organization. Make data-driven decisions and enact early-intervention to ensure the readiness of your people.

Track & Analyze
Use of Force
Traumatic Calls
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Use of Force
Traumatic Calls
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Use of Force
Traumatic Calls
Increase Retention

Incident & Case Management

Track Personnel Safety & Wellness

A robust case and incident management solution with approval workflows, automatic notifications, and anayltics... all pointing to compiling a total wellness profile for your people
RMS Integration Capability
Record Management Systems integration.
Critical Incident Alerts
Alert notifications for traumatic/critical incidents.
Auto-Fill Incident Reports
Incidents mapped to a designated PDF auto-filled with the incident data, often supporting a particular state's worker compensation report.

Early Intervention

Automated Alert Triggers

Customizable threshold settings enable organization to determine what number and type with associated timeframe shall initiate automatic alerts to safety/wellness leaders.

Specialist Role Permissions

A role-based permission will enable certain individual to view critical incidents, allowing professionals from outside the agency to be alerted and track critical incidents.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path d="M12 4C14.0683 4 16.0293 4.71758 17.7366 6.04606C19.4439 7.36485 20.8976 9.29455 21.9415 11.7091C22.0195 11.8933 22.0195 12.1067 21.9415 12.2812C19.8537 17.1103 16.1366 20 12 20H11.9902C7.86341 20 4.14634 17.1103 2.05854 12.2812C1.98049 12.1067 1.98049 11.8933 2.05854 11.7091C4.14634 6.88 7.86341 4 11.9902 4H12ZM12 8.12121C9.8439 8.12121 8.09756 9.85697 8.09756 12C8.09756 14.1333 9.8439 15.8691 12 15.8691C14.1463 15.8691 15.8927 14.1333 15.8927 12C15.8927 9.85697 14.1463 8.12121 12 8.12121ZM12.0012 9.57362C13.3378 9.57362 14.4304 10.6597 14.4304 11.9979C14.4304 13.3264 13.3378 14.4124 12.0012 14.4124C10.6548 14.4124 9.56215 13.3264 9.56215 11.9979C9.56215 11.833 9.58166 11.6779 9.61093 11.5227H9.65971C10.7426 11.5227 11.6207 10.6694 11.6597 9.60272C11.767 9.58332 11.8841 9.57362 12.0012 9.57362Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>

Corrective Document Thresholds

Thresholds can also include ‘Corrective’ documents of record.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.00063 13.4887H7.41463C7.00063 13.4887 6.66463 13.1527 6.66463 12.7387C6.66463 12.3247 7.00063 11.9887 7.41463 11.9887H9.00063C9.41463 11.9887 9.75063 12.3247 9.75063 12.7387C9.75063 13.1527 9.41463 13.4887 9.00063 13.4887ZM7.41563 7.79272H11.3006C11.7146 7.79272 12.0506 8.12872 12.0506 8.54272C12.0506 8.95672 11.7146 9.29272 11.3006 9.29272H7.41563C7.00163 9.29272 6.66563 8.95672 6.66563 8.54272C6.66563 8.12872 7.00163 7.79272 7.41563 7.79272ZM11.3776 18.8987L11.1916 18.7117C10.7196 18.2437 10.4546 17.6117 10.4516 16.9387C10.4476 16.2637 10.7076 15.6297 11.1826 15.1507C11.1936 15.1377 11.2056 15.1267 11.2176 15.1147L11.3776 14.9557V14.6887C11.3776 13.2997 12.5086 12.1667 13.8986 12.1647H14.1706L14.3526 11.9827C14.8216 11.5077 15.4546 11.2417 16.1286 11.2387H16.1406C16.8116 11.2387 17.4426 11.4987 17.9186 11.9717C17.9306 11.9827 17.9416 11.9947 17.9526 12.0067L18.0531 12.1066C18.0906 12.1438 18.1413 12.1647 18.1941 12.1647H18.3806C18.5237 12.1647 18.6623 12.1803 18.7977 12.2062C18.9279 12.2312 19.0546 12.136 19.0546 12.0034V7.15972C19.0546 4.73472 17.0816 2.76172 14.6576 2.76172H7.94363C5.51963 2.76172 3.54663 4.73472 3.54663 7.15972V16.3947C3.54663 18.8187 5.51963 20.7907 7.94363 20.7907H11.5529C11.7232 20.7907 11.8209 20.5864 11.7333 20.4403C11.5096 20.0672 11.3776 19.6343 11.3776 19.1687V18.8987Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.8937 16.5522L16.1677 18.2792C16.0457 18.4002 15.8807 18.4692 15.7077 18.4692C15.5357 18.4682 15.3697 18.4002 15.2477 18.2782L14.4107 17.4382C14.1567 17.1842 14.1577 16.7722 14.4117 16.5192C14.6657 16.2642 15.0777 16.2672 15.3307 16.5202L15.7087 16.8992L16.9747 15.6322C17.2277 15.3782 17.6397 15.3782 17.8937 15.6322C18.1477 15.8862 18.1477 16.2982 17.8937 16.5522ZM20.0327 15.9132L19.7367 15.6172C19.6577 15.5372 19.6117 15.4272 19.6117 15.3132V14.8902C19.6117 14.1002 18.9697 13.4572 18.1797 13.4572H17.7547C17.6407 13.4572 17.5327 13.4132 17.4517 13.3322L17.1497 13.0312C16.8777 12.7612 16.5387 12.5882 16.1337 12.6152C15.7517 12.6172 15.3927 12.7682 15.1257 13.0382L14.8317 13.3322C14.7507 13.4132 14.6427 13.4572 14.5267 13.4572H14.1017C13.3137 13.4592 12.6717 14.1012 12.6717 14.8892L12.6707 15.3122C12.6707 15.4252 12.6247 15.5362 12.5457 15.6162L12.2727 15.8912C12.2617 15.9002 12.2517 15.9082 12.2427 15.9182C11.9737 16.1902 11.8257 16.5502 11.8277 16.9332C11.8297 17.3152 11.9797 17.6742 12.2487 17.9402L12.5447 18.2382C12.6267 18.3202 12.6717 18.4272 12.6717 18.5402V18.9672C12.6717 19.7562 13.3137 20.3992 14.1027 20.3992H14.5257C14.6387 20.3992 14.7487 20.4452 14.8287 20.5232L15.1317 20.8252C15.4017 21.0932 15.7597 21.2402 16.1397 21.2402H16.1447C16.5277 21.2392 16.8867 21.0882 17.1527 20.8202L17.4517 20.5222C17.5317 20.4412 17.6397 20.3972 17.7537 20.3972H18.1817C18.9697 20.3972 19.6117 19.7562 19.6127 18.9672V18.5412C19.6127 18.4272 19.6577 18.3192 19.7357 18.2392L20.0377 17.9382C20.5937 17.3782 20.5917 16.4702 20.0327 15.9132Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>

Employee Wellness Tools

Comprehensive Wellness & Reporting Suite

Unlock insights with employee wellness profiles, detailed analytics, a personnel directory, and a resource library for optimal safety and support.

Comprehensive summary of incident data for each employee with easy-to-read graphics and analytics.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9784 16.6709C8.90309 16.6709 7.89617 18.0103 7.56615 18.8987C7.52404 19.0121 7.56458 19.1379 7.6598 19.2124C9.67205 20.7886 11.8145 21.4672 11.8544 21.4799C11.9024 21.4939 11.9514 21.5009 11.9994 21.5009C12.0484 21.5009 12.0974 21.4939 12.1454 21.4799C12.1854 21.4672 14.3113 20.7934 16.3161 19.2308C16.4113 19.1566 16.4522 19.0312 16.4107 18.9178C16.0823 18.0195 15.075 16.6709 11.9784 16.6709Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9827 8.40039C10.8257 8.40039 9.88367 9.34239 9.88367 10.5014C9.88367 11.6594 10.8257 12.6004 11.9827 12.6004C13.1397 12.6004 14.0817 11.6594 14.0817 10.5014C14.0817 9.34239 13.1397 8.40039 11.9827 8.40039Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9827 14.1C9.99874 14.1 8.38374 12.485 8.38374 10.5C8.38374 8.515 9.99874 6.9 11.9827 6.9C13.9667 6.9 15.5817 8.515 15.5817 10.5C15.5817 12.485 13.9667 14.1 11.9827 14.1ZM19.3557 5.136C18.6507 4.431 13.0247 2.5 11.9997 2.5C10.9747 2.5 5.34874 4.431 4.64374 5.137C4.08374 5.7 4.09074 6.133 4.13474 8.535C4.15274 9.508 4.17674 10.834 4.17674 12.67C4.17674 14.7344 4.971 16.3725 6.04384 17.6549C6.17975 17.8174 6.43596 17.7805 6.54746 17.6004C7.37993 16.2556 9.07639 15.17 11.9787 15.17C14.9011 15.17 16.6044 16.2638 17.4353 17.6195C17.5462 17.8004 17.8027 17.8383 17.9392 17.6759C19.0207 16.3902 19.8237 14.7458 19.8237 12.67C19.8237 10.839 19.8477 9.515 19.8657 8.541C19.9087 6.134 19.9167 5.701 19.3557 5.136Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>

Stats page with graphs, charts and analytics to enable reporting.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M18.1823 12.7085H12.7623C12.2263 12.7085 11.7903 12.2725 11.7903 11.7365V6.3185C11.7903 5.9365 11.6253 5.5695 11.3383 5.3145C11.0483 5.0565 10.6603 4.9335 10.2773 4.9825C8.01034 5.2565 5.93534 6.4775 4.58334 8.3335C3.21334 10.2165 2.70734 12.5355 3.16134 14.8625C3.79034 18.1065 6.39134 20.7095 9.63334 21.3395C10.1893 21.4465 10.7443 21.4995 11.2923 21.4995C13.0453 21.4995 14.7333 20.9575 16.1653 19.9145C18.0203 18.5655 19.2433 16.4925 19.5203 14.2275C19.5673 13.8415 19.4463 13.4525 19.1893 13.1625C18.9333 12.8735 18.5663 12.7085 18.1823 12.7085Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21.99 9.19492V9.19292C21.532 5.70992 18.784 2.96192 15.311 2.51292C14.93 2.45892 14.543 2.57592 14.25 2.83092C13.954 3.08792 13.785 3.45892 13.785 3.84792V9.37892C13.785 10.1179 14.386 10.7179 15.127 10.7179H20.653C21.04 10.7179 21.408 10.5509 21.664 10.2599C21.921 9.96892 22.04 9.58092 21.99 9.19492Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>

Ability to load customizable internal/external support personnel’s bios, contact info and supporting information.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6535 18.353H9.80347C9.51347 18.353 9.32347 18.153 9.32347 17.873C9.32347 16.243 10.6635 14.523 13.7235 14.523C16.7835 14.523 18.1235 16.243 18.1235 17.873C18.1235 18.153 17.9335 18.353 17.6535 18.353ZM13.7235 7.34297C15.3535 7.34297 16.6935 8.68297 16.6935 10.313C16.6935 11.943 15.3535 13.273 13.7235 13.273C12.1035 13.273 10.7635 11.943 10.7635 10.313C10.7635 8.68297 12.1035 7.34297 13.7235 7.34297ZM17.2035 3.29297H9.10347C6.10347 3.29297 4.20347 4.89297 4.00347 7.79297H2.80347C2.20347 7.79297 1.80347 8.19297 1.80347 8.79297C1.80347 9.39297 2.20347 9.79297 2.80347 9.79297H6.10347C6.50347 9.79297 6.80347 9.59297 7.00347 9.29297C7.10347 9.39297 7.10347 9.59297 7.10347 9.79297C7.10347 10.393 6.70347 10.793 6.10347 10.793H3.90347V15.993H2.80347C2.20347 15.993 1.80347 16.393 1.80347 16.993C1.80347 17.593 2.20347 17.993 2.80347 17.993H6.10347C6.50347 17.993 6.80347 17.793 7.00347 17.493C7.10347 17.593 7.10347 17.793 7.10347 17.993C7.10347 18.593 6.70347 18.993 6.10347 18.993H4.20347C4.80347 21.193 6.50347 22.393 9.10347 22.393H17.1035C20.4035 22.393 22.4035 20.393 22.4035 17.093V8.59297C22.4035 5.29297 20.5035 3.29297 17.2035 3.29297Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>

Ability to post customizable content related to safety/wellness including documents, videos, blogs, etc.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.9125 18.6517C16.1735 18.6897 16.4285 18.7087 16.6765 18.7087C18.9045 18.7087 20.5795 17.1947 20.9475 14.7517L21.9065 8.33175C22.3145 5.61575 20.8385 3.52675 18.2335 3.13375L13.7832 2.46385L13.782 2.46325L13.7808 2.46265C11.1711 2.08303 9.15343 3.646 8.74646 6.36275L7.78646 12.7827C7.37846 15.4987 8.85546 17.5887 11.4605 17.9807L15.9125 18.6517ZM17.4858 10.0413C17.5218 10.0463 17.5578 10.0493 17.5938 10.0493C17.9608 10.0493 18.2808 9.77929 18.3348 9.40629C18.3948 8.99629 18.1108 8.61629 17.6998 8.55729L13.2048 7.90629C12.7888 7.84729 12.4148 8.13229 12.3558 8.54129C12.2958 8.95129 12.5798 9.33129 12.9898 9.39129L17.4858 10.0413ZM15.1718 13.3813C15.2078 13.3863 15.2438 13.3893 15.2798 13.3893C15.6468 13.3893 15.9668 13.1203 16.0208 12.7463C16.0808 12.3363 15.7968 11.9563 15.3858 11.8973L12.6898 11.5063C12.2818 11.4513 11.8988 11.7303 11.8398 12.1413C11.7808 12.5513 12.0648 12.9313 12.4748 12.9903L15.1718 13.3813Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M13.8254 19.8538L11.236 19.4646C7.79896 18.9456 5.77095 16.1066 6.30295 12.5596L7.26295 6.14063C7.28012 6.02603 7.17101 5.93111 7.06092 5.96728L5.62462 6.43918C4.42962 6.83118 3.53162 7.56718 3.02862 8.56818C2.50262 9.61218 2.45162 10.8991 2.88162 12.1901L4.90662 18.3511C5.58862 20.4121 7.14062 21.5941 8.99362 21.5941C9.48562 21.5941 9.99862 21.5111 10.5226 21.3381L13.8581 20.2416C14.0583 20.1758 14.0338 19.8852 13.8254 19.8538Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>