Talent Management

EP provides a comprehensive solution for performance management and team building in the public sector.

Create & Track
Training Hours & Activities
Assigned Equipment
Performance Notes
Awards & Commendations
Special Teams & Committees
Training Hours & Activities
Assigned Equipment
Performance Notes
Awards & Commendations
Special Teams & Committees
Training Hours & Activities
Assigned Equipment
Performance Notes
Increase Retention

Team Builder Modules

All of your "People Data" in one Place

No longer will you have to ask... "Who is on that committee?" or "Who has the skills/credentials to handle that job?"

Streamline personnel management with filtering by certifications, qualifications, and other key metrics.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path d="M18.5611 14.0196C20.4611 14.0196 22 15.5325 22 17.3992C22 19.2648 20.4611 20.7778 18.5611 20.7778C16.6623 20.7778 15.1223 19.2648 15.1223 17.3992C15.1223 15.5325 16.6623 14.0196 18.5611 14.0196ZM10.0833 15.958C10.9155 15.958 11.5911 16.6217 11.5911 17.4393C11.5911 18.2558 10.9155 18.9206 10.0833 18.9206H3.50777C2.67555 18.9206 2 18.2558 2 17.4393C2 16.6217 2.67555 15.958 3.50777 15.958H10.0833ZM5.43887 3C7.33886 3 8.87774 4.51298 8.87774 6.37856C8.87774 8.24523 7.33886 9.75821 5.43887 9.75821C3.53999 9.75821 2 8.24523 2 6.37856C2 4.51298 3.53999 3 5.43887 3ZM20.4933 4.89833C21.3244 4.89833 22 5.56203 22 6.37856C22 7.19618 21.3244 7.85989 20.4933 7.85989H13.9178C13.0856 7.85989 12.4101 7.19618 12.4101 6.37856C12.4101 5.56203 13.0856 4.89833 13.9178 4.89833H20.4933Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Utilize drag-and-drop functionality for team creation and vacancy management, with features like real-time updates, search and filter options, and role-based access.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7998 17.7248C12.7998 18.2048 12.4298 18.5748 11.9498 18.5748C11.4698 18.5748 11.0998 18.2048 11.0998 17.7248C11.0998 17.2448 11.4698 16.8748 11.9498 16.8748C12.4298 16.8748 12.7998 17.2448 12.7998 17.7248ZM11.1498 8.77481H6.5498C6.1398 8.77481 5.7998 8.43481 5.7998 8.02481C5.7998 7.61481 6.1398 7.2748 6.5498 7.2748H11.1498C11.5598 7.2748 11.8998 7.61481 11.8998 8.02481C11.8998 8.43481 11.5598 8.77481 11.1498 8.77481ZM18.5498 3.9248H5.4498C3.7398 3.9248 2.5498 5.0748 2.5498 6.7248V9.3248C2.5498 10.9748 3.7398 12.1248 5.4498 12.1248H11.1998V15.5048C10.4998 15.7348 9.9598 16.2748 9.7298 16.9748H5.6498C5.2398 16.9748 4.8998 17.3148 4.8998 17.7248C4.8998 18.1348 5.2398 18.4748 5.6498 18.4748H9.7298C10.0398 19.4148 10.8998 20.0748 11.9498 20.0748C12.9998 20.0748 13.8598 19.4148 14.1698 18.4748H18.3498C18.7598 18.4748 19.0998 18.1348 19.0998 17.7248C19.0998 17.3148 18.7598 16.9748 18.3498 16.9748H14.1698C13.9398 16.2748 13.3998 15.7348 12.6998 15.5048V12.1248H18.5498C20.3098 12.1248 21.4498 11.0248 21.4498 9.3248V6.7248C21.4498 5.0748 20.2598 3.9248 18.5498 3.9248Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Empower employees to manage their career progression through transfer and special team requests.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.1301 17.7502L16.9301 15.8602C16.6601 15.7002 16.3301 15.7002 16.0601 15.8602C15.7901 16.0102 15.6201 16.2902 15.6201 16.6102V20.3802C15.6201 20.7002 15.7901 20.9802 16.0601 21.1402C16.2001 21.2102 16.3401 21.2502 16.4901 21.2502C16.6401 21.2502 16.7901 21.2102 16.9301 21.1302L20.1301 19.2402C20.3901 19.0802 20.5501 18.8002 20.5501 18.5002C20.5501 18.1902 20.3901 17.9102 20.1301 17.7502Z" fill="black"/>   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.64595 12.638H15.2649C17.2059 12.638 18.7919 11.059 18.7989 9.118L18.8029 8.029C18.8079 7.082 18.4409 6.191 17.7719 5.52C17.1039 4.85 16.2149 4.482 15.2699 4.482H15.2629L8.26895 4.497C8.14795 4.118 7.94895 3.769 7.64995 3.47C6.68995 2.51 5.12995 2.51 4.16995 3.47C3.69995 3.94 3.44995 4.56 3.44995 5.21C3.44995 5.87 3.69995 6.49 4.16995 6.96C4.64995 7.44 5.27995 7.68 5.90995 7.68C6.53995 7.68 7.16995 7.44 7.64995 6.96C7.92995 6.68 8.12995 6.35 8.23995 6L8.24095 5.997L15.2659 5.982H15.2699C15.8139 5.982 16.3259 6.194 16.7099 6.579C17.0949 6.965 17.3059 7.478 17.3029 8.023L17.2989 9.113C17.2939 10.23 16.3819 11.138 15.2649 11.138H8.64595C6.69695 11.138 5.11095 12.723 5.11095 14.672V15.746C5.11095 16.691 5.47895 17.578 6.14695 18.246C6.81395 18.912 7.70095 19.28 8.64395 19.28H8.64895L12.5829 19.275C12.9969 19.274 13.3329 18.938 13.3319 18.524C13.3319 18.11 12.9959 17.775 12.5819 17.775L8.64695 17.78H8.64495C8.10195 17.78 7.59095 17.569 7.20695 17.185C6.82295 16.801 6.61095 16.29 6.61095 15.746V14.672C6.61095 13.55 7.52395 12.638 8.64595 12.638Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Facilitate the creation and management of custom teams, tracking memberships and assignments.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path d="M11.949 14.5396C15.3802 14.5396 18.31 15.0836 18.31 17.2604C18.31 19.4362 15.399 20 11.949 20C8.51785 20 5.58809 19.456 5.58809 17.2802C5.58809 15.1034 8.49904 14.5396 11.949 14.5396ZM17.4351 13.2289C18.7468 13.2046 20.1571 13.3847 20.6782 13.5126C21.7823 13.7296 22.5084 14.1727 22.8093 14.8166C23.0636 15.3453 23.0636 15.9586 22.8093 16.4864C22.349 17.4851 20.8654 17.8058 20.2887 17.8886C20.1696 17.9066 20.0738 17.8031 20.0864 17.6833C20.3809 14.9157 18.0377 13.6035 17.4315 13.3018C17.4055 13.2883 17.4002 13.2676 17.4028 13.255C17.4046 13.246 17.4154 13.2316 17.4351 13.2289ZM6.5656 13.2292C6.5853 13.2319 6.59515 13.2464 6.59694 13.2545C6.59962 13.268 6.59425 13.2878 6.56918 13.3022C5.9621 13.6039 3.61883 14.9161 3.91342 17.6827C3.92595 17.8034 3.83104 17.9061 3.71195 17.889C3.13531 17.8061 1.65163 17.4855 1.19139 16.4867C0.936203 15.9581 0.936203 15.3457 1.19139 14.817C1.49225 14.1731 2.21752 13.73 3.32156 13.512C3.84358 13.385 5.25294 13.2049 6.5656 13.2292ZM11.949 4C14.2851 4 16.1583 5.88227 16.1583 8.23285C16.1583 10.5825 14.2851 12.4666 11.949 12.4666C9.61292 12.4666 7.73974 10.5825 7.73974 8.23285C7.73974 5.88227 9.61292 4 11.949 4ZM17.6634 4.7059C19.9198 4.7059 21.6918 6.84123 21.0883 9.21974C20.6809 10.821 19.2062 11.8846 17.5631 11.8414C17.3984 11.8369 17.2363 11.8216 17.0796 11.7946C16.9659 11.7748 16.9086 11.646 16.973 11.5505C17.5998 10.6229 17.9571 9.50703 17.9571 8.30922C17.9571 7.05918 17.5667 5.8938 16.8889 4.93825C16.8674 4.90853 16.8513 4.8626 16.8728 4.82838C16.8907 4.80046 16.9238 4.78605 16.9551 4.77884C17.1835 4.73201 17.4181 4.7059 17.6634 4.7059ZM6.33593 4.70581C6.58127 4.70581 6.81586 4.73192 7.04509 4.77875C7.07553 4.78596 7.10956 4.80127 7.12746 4.82829C7.14806 4.86251 7.13284 4.90844 7.11135 4.93816C6.43353 5.89371 6.04313 7.05909 6.04313 8.30913C6.04313 9.50694 6.4004 10.6228 7.02718 11.5504C7.09165 11.6459 7.03434 11.7747 6.92063 11.7945C6.76304 11.8224 6.60186 11.8368 6.43711 11.8413C4.79404 11.8845 3.31932 10.8209 2.91191 9.21965C2.30751 6.84114 4.07951 4.70581 6.33593 4.70581Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Centralize comprehensive information including personal details, credentials, performance metrics, career history, wellness data, training records, and awards.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.0385 16.1058L8.26349 16.1168C8.14349 16.1168 8.02849 16.0688 7.94349 15.9848C7.85949 15.8998 7.81149 15.7848 7.81149 15.6648C7.81149 14.0228 9.15349 12.3648 12.1505 12.3648C15.1475 12.3648 16.4895 14.0168 16.4895 15.6548C16.4895 15.9038 16.2875 16.1058 16.0385 16.1058ZM12.1505 5.33878C13.7035 5.33878 14.9655 6.60178 14.9655 8.15478C14.9655 9.70678 13.7035 10.9698 12.1505 10.9698C10.5975 10.9698 9.33549 9.70678 9.33549 8.15478C9.33549 6.60178 10.5975 5.33878 12.1505 5.33878ZM16.3005 2.30078H8.00049C5.00049 2.30078 3.00049 4.40078 3.00049 7.50078V14.5008C3.00049 17.6008 5.00049 19.6008 8.00049 19.6008H9.80049L11.7005 21.5008C11.8005 21.6008 12.0005 21.7008 12.2005 21.7008C12.4005 21.7008 12.6005 21.6008 12.7005 21.5008L14.5005 19.6008H16.3005C19.3005 19.6008 21.3005 17.5008 21.3005 14.5008V7.50078C21.3005 4.40078 19.3005 2.30078 16.3005 2.30078Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Performance Development Modules

Elevating Potential, Realizing Ambition

Our Performance Development tools allow you to coach, counsel and mentor with ease and efficiency. The suite of tools enable leaders to recognize top performers while documenting those that struggle.
360 Feedback
Quick and easy performance feedback with confidentiality and transparency.
Leader’s Notes
Customizable and includes templates like performance improvement plans, field training officer – daily observation reports, instructor reviews, formal counseling, and more.
Score Reports
Our version of a performance evaluation that includes an algorithm which normalizes scores. i.e. "Hard graders" versus "Easy graders".
Documents of Record
Customizable document creation and storage for commendatory, corrective and/or miscellaneous documents of record with routing/approval workflows.
Creation of template awards and descriptions with ribbon/medal images. Workflow to submit, track and approve.
Robust reporting and analytics of performance data. Includes 360 overview, relative value over time and employee profile summary.

Training Module

Comprehensive Training Management System

Streamline your logbooks, events, certifications, and qualifications with integrated tools and automation

Log and track training hours & activities. Create custom goals & benchmarks and track progress. “Identifiers” allow quick sort/filter and reporting of categories.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.3544 10.238H8.67436C8.25436 10.238 7.92436 9.89805 7.92436 9.48805C7.92436 9.06805 8.25436 8.73805 8.67436 8.73805H14.3544C14.7744 8.73805 15.1044 9.06805 15.1044 9.48805C15.1044 9.89805 14.7744 10.238 14.3544 10.238ZM11.5144 13.708H8.67436C8.25436 13.708 7.92436 13.368 7.92436 12.958C7.92436 12.538 8.25436 12.208 8.67436 12.208H11.5144C11.9244 12.208 12.2644 12.538 12.2644 12.958C12.2644 13.368 11.9244 13.708 11.5144 13.708ZM11.1344 2.49805C6.48436 2.49805 2.71436 6.26805 2.71436 10.918C2.71436 15.568 6.48436 19.338 11.1344 19.338C15.7844 19.338 19.5544 15.568 19.5544 10.918C19.5544 6.26805 15.7844 2.49805 11.1344 2.49805Z" fill="black"/>   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.992 19.794L19.009 17.815C18.618 17.425 17.984 17.425 17.595 17.817C17.204 18.208 17.205 18.842 17.596 19.232L19.58 21.21C19.775 21.404 20.031 21.502 20.286 21.502C20.542 21.502 20.799 21.404 20.994 21.208C21.384 20.817 21.383 20.184 20.992 19.794Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Track training events and manage attendance, costs, and more. Includes Outlook/Google Calendar integration.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path d="M16.4739 4.085C17.6939 4.195 18.7239 4.605 19.4539 5.325C20.2639 6.135 20.6839 7.315 20.6839 8.725V9.325C20.6839 9.43546 20.5944 9.525 20.4839 9.525H3.68389C3.57343 9.525 3.48389 9.43546 3.48389 9.325V8.725C3.48389 6.43211 4.58836 4.88473 6.49707 4.31245C6.62152 4.27513 6.74389 4.37063 6.74389 4.50055V5.965C6.74389 6.375 7.08389 6.715 7.49389 6.715C7.56389 6.715 7.63389 6.695 7.69389 6.675V3.125C7.69389 2.715 8.03389 2.375 8.44389 2.375C8.86389 2.375 9.19389 2.715 9.19389 3.125V4.045H13.8239C13.9344 4.045 14.0239 4.13454 14.0239 4.245V5.965C14.0239 6.375 14.3539 6.715 14.7739 6.715C14.836 6.715 14.8903 6.69925 14.9506 6.68172C14.9583 6.6795 14.966 6.67725 14.9739 6.675V3.125C14.9739 2.715 15.3039 2.375 15.7239 2.375C16.1339 2.375 16.4739 2.715 16.4739 3.125V4.085Z" fill="black"/>   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.27389 21.6249C5.27389 21.6249 3.48389 19.8449 3.48389 16.8649V11.2249C3.48389 11.1144 3.57343 11.0249 3.68389 11.0249H20.4839C20.5944 11.0249 20.6839 11.1144 20.6839 11.2249V16.9349C20.6839 19.8749 18.8939 21.6249 15.8939 21.6249H8.27389ZM11.3339 15.4709H9.83389C9.41989 15.4709 9.08389 15.8069 9.08389 16.2209C9.08389 16.6349 9.41989 16.9709 9.83389 16.9709H11.3339V18.4709C11.3339 18.8849 11.6699 19.2209 12.0839 19.2209C12.4979 19.2209 12.8339 18.8849 12.8339 18.4709V16.9709H14.3339C14.7479 16.9709 15.0839 16.6349 15.0839 16.2209C15.0839 15.8069 14.7479 15.4709 14.3339 15.4709H12.8339V13.9709C12.8339 13.5569 12.4979 13.2209 12.0839 13.2209C11.6699 13.2209 11.3339 13.5569 11.3339 13.9709V15.4709Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Track credentials, expirations, completions and source documents.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M2.33027 10.6191C2.51027 10.0491 2.99027 9.63914 3.59027 9.54914L8.43027 8.83914L10.5903 4.48914C10.5903 4.48914 10.5903 4.47914 10.6003 4.47914C10.6003 4.46914 10.6003 4.46914 10.6103 4.45914C10.8803 3.93914 11.4103 3.61914 12.0003 3.61914C12.6003 3.61914 13.1403 3.94914 13.4103 4.48914L13.8503 5.38914C14.0403 5.75914 13.8803 6.20914 13.5103 6.38914C13.2603 6.51914 12.9703 6.48914 12.7503 6.32914V18.4791L13.7603 19.0091C14.1303 19.1991 14.2703 19.6491 14.0803 20.0191C13.8903 20.3791 13.4303 20.5291 13.0703 20.3291L12.0003 19.7791L7.67027 22.0391C7.44027 22.1591 7.19027 22.2091 6.94027 22.2091C6.62027 22.2091 6.29027 22.1091 6.01027 21.9091C5.53028 21.5591 5.30027 20.9691 5.40027 20.3791L6.22027 15.5991L2.73027 12.2191C2.29027 11.7991 2.14027 11.1891 2.33027 10.6191Z" fill="black"/>   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.2621 20.3053L17.0251 20.7053L17.1241 20.6383L16.9571 19.6783C16.8871 19.2693 17.1591 18.8813 17.5681 18.8103C17.9771 18.7383 18.3651 19.0133 18.4361 19.4213L18.6031 20.3843C18.7021 20.9733 18.4651 21.5573 17.9841 21.9093C17.7081 22.1103 17.3851 22.2133 17.0581 22.2133C16.8101 22.2133 16.5601 22.1543 16.3271 22.0343L15.5651 21.6333C15.1981 21.4413 15.0571 20.9873 15.2491 20.6203C15.4411 20.2553 15.8931 20.1123 16.2621 20.3053Z" fill="black"/>   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7767 15.6052L17.9117 16.3932C17.9817 16.8012 17.7077 17.1882 17.2987 17.2582C17.2557 17.2662 17.2137 17.2692 17.1717 17.2692C16.8127 17.2692 16.4957 17.0112 16.4327 16.6462L16.2307 15.4652C16.1887 15.2202 16.2717 14.9702 16.4517 14.7972L17.0777 14.1982C17.3787 13.9112 17.8517 13.9212 18.1377 14.2202C18.4237 14.5202 18.4147 14.9942 18.1147 15.2812L17.7767 15.6052Z" fill="black"/>   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M19.1956 10.8922C18.7856 10.8342 18.5006 10.4552 18.5566 10.0452C18.6146 9.63522 19.0006 9.35222 19.4046 9.40722L20.4096 9.54822C21.0066 9.63622 21.4916 10.0482 21.6746 10.6212C21.8576 11.1912 21.7036 11.8032 21.2726 12.2182L19.9926 13.4582C19.8466 13.5992 19.6596 13.6692 19.4706 13.6692C19.2746 13.6692 19.0796 13.5932 18.9316 13.4412C18.6436 13.1432 18.6516 12.6692 18.9496 12.3812L20.2296 11.1412L20.1946 11.0322L19.1956 10.8922Z" fill="black"/>   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.0131 7.40913C14.3821 7.22413 14.8321 7.37513 15.0191 7.74413L15.5691 8.84513L16.6101 8.99813C17.0191 9.05813 17.3031 9.43913 17.2421 9.84913C17.1881 10.2221 16.8671 10.4901 16.5011 10.4901C16.4651 10.4901 16.4281 10.4881 16.3911 10.4821L14.9631 10.2721C14.7211 10.2371 14.5111 10.0851 14.4021 9.86613L13.6771 8.41513C13.4921 8.04513 13.6421 7.59413 14.0131 7.40913Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Track and produce “Task Books”, new employee check-offs, specialty equipment check offs, and more.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">   <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.017 10.816H12.707C12.293 10.816 11.957 10.48 11.957 10.066C11.957 9.652 12.293 9.316 12.707 9.316H17.017C17.431 9.316 17.767 9.652 17.767 10.066C17.767 10.48 17.431 10.816 17.017 10.816ZM17.017 16.055H12.707C12.293 16.055 11.957 15.719 11.957 15.305C11.957 14.891 12.293 14.555 12.707 14.555H17.017C17.431 14.555 17.767 14.891 17.767 15.305C17.767 15.719 17.431 16.055 17.017 16.055ZM10.424 9.108L8.821 10.712C8.68 10.852 8.489 10.931 8.29 10.931C8.091 10.931 7.9 10.852 7.76 10.711L6.936 9.887C6.644 9.594 6.644 9.119 6.937 8.826C7.229 8.534 7.705 8.533 7.998 8.827L8.291 9.12L9.363 8.048C9.656 7.755 10.131 7.755 10.424 8.048C10.717 8.341 10.717 8.816 10.424 9.108ZM10.424 14.35L8.821 15.953C8.674 16.1 8.482 16.173 8.29 16.173C8.099 16.173 7.907 16.1 7.76 15.953L6.937 15.13C6.644 14.838 6.644 14.363 6.937 14.07C7.23 13.777 7.704 13.777 7.997 14.07L8.29 14.362L9.363 13.29C9.656 12.997 10.131 12.997 10.424 13.29C10.717 13.583 10.717 14.057 10.424 14.35ZM16.217 2.5H7.783C4.623 2.5 2.5 4.721 2.5 8.026V15.974C2.5 19.279 4.623 21.5 7.783 21.5H16.216C19.376 21.5 21.5 19.279 21.5 15.974V8.026C21.5 4.721 19.377 2.5 16.217 2.5Z" fill="black"/> </svg>

Career Development

Visual Roadmap for Professional Growth

Empower your journey with tailored career paths and milestone achievements
Career Paths
Create custom career paths and rank/position requirements with employee confirmation. Completion requirements are automatically mapped from other modules.
Promotion/Retirement Eligibility
Sort/filter to identify employees that are eligible for promotion and/or how many requirements remain.